Part 3: Thrive Under Stress and Pressure - Embrace Change

Let's recap what you learned in the first two parts. The first video or post was all about the strategy of reframing. In the second video or post, you learned about how to create a routine so you can dominate overwhelm. Having a routine is being resilient because when you're faced with adversity or a challenge, it's that routine that keeps you going.

In this third video (post), you're going to learn about knowing what you want so that you can reach your goal and embrace change at the same time. Towards the end of the video, I'm going to show you how you can have access to my full course.

The fittest organism on the planet are the ones that adapt, but as human beings, we need to understand that adaptation requires you to be curious. This means that when you make a decision, you have to be curious rather than just being defensive and reacting. Do you find that when you're making decisions, you may think about the mistakes that you've made in the past or the things that could go wrong?

The more you look for what could go wrong, the more you'll find it. The more you look for what would work or what has worked in the past, the more you'll find it. Most of us know what we want, but it's usually based in negatives. In our lives, we have four major areas that we make decisions on - health, career, money matters, and relationship. But we tend to make statements that are stated in the negative.

For example, when it comes to health, one may say:    

  • ‍I don't want to gain weight 
  • ‍I don't want to smoke

In terms of a career, it could be: 

  • I don't like my job
  • I don't want to be tied down 9 to 5

In terms of money matters, it could be:   

  • I don't like being in debt  
  • I don't have any spending money

Knowing what you don't want is okay, but that knowledge isn't going to get you what you do want. Let me demonstrate:

     I don't want you to think of a clown.

You and I know that you just imagined it even though I asked you not to. Here's another one:

     I don't want you to think of a snowstorm or a blizzard.

Again, you just imagined it even though I asked you not to. That's how your mind works. Your mind cannot negate those instructions. It has to bring up the image of what you don't want. However, what we don't realize is that our subconscious mind thinks that we want to give the very thing we don't want, attention.

I'm going to make some statements and I want you to figure out what I'm giving attention, energy, and focus to:

  • I don't want to be late
  • I don't want to get into conflict
  • I don't want to be in debt

What am I giving attention to? If you answered: being late, getting into a conflict and being in debt - you're right because those are the images that you bring up in your mind.

Understanding Your Words

I'm going to share with you a strategy where you can change these statements and make them work for you. I first learned this from my mentor, Michael Losier, and he learned it from NLP. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. It's the study of human behavior and human excellence.

Imagine there are four boxes in front of you in a horizontal line, and the first box is labeled "words." The words we speak, think, and write influence our thoughts, second box. Our thoughts influence our feelings - third box, and our feelings influence our results and our behavior - fourth box. Imagine that I'm stepping into the first box and I'm saying the words, "I don't want to be in debt or I don't want to gain weight or I don't want this job." Any of those would work, but let's just stick with one example - I don't want to be in debt.

If I'm saying that, what am I thinking? "Oh no, how am I going to pay this month's rent or mortgage?" If I'm thinking that, what am I feeling? Am I feeling negative or am I feeling positive? Negative, right? If I'm feeling negative and my physiology is negative, what do you think my results or my behavior is going to be? I'm going to be stressed. I may get upset. Nothing positive is here.

The trick to changing your behaviour is to work backwards. If you want to change the way you behave and the way you make decisions, you need to change your feeling. In order to change your feeling, you need to change your thoughts. In order to change your thoughts, you need to change your words! What we say affects the way we behave.

There are three words that you'd have to start eliminating from your vocabulary in the way they are used. Those words are, "Don't, not and no." For example, whenever you catch yourself saying the words, "I don't want to be late," STOP and reset yourself by asking, "So, what do I want?"

Let's use this strategy with our example, "I don�۪t want to be debt"

Ask yourself, "So, what do I want?"

I want more cash flow or I want more income - these are more positive.

Embracing Change With 4 Simple Questions

We resist change because we doubt our own capability of handling change and we don't know what lies on the other side of change. It's the fear of the unknown. Remember, adaptation requires curiosity, because that crashes fear. Curiosity involves asking questions such as: What's the change about? Why is it happening now? How can I deal with it better? Do I have the resources to work with this change?

Resilient individuals look at change as a challenge, not as fear. When you look at it as a challenge it changes the way you approach change.

At anytime you have to make a decision or are going through change, ask these four questions and I guarantee you'll come up with an answer that's congruent for you.

  1. What's the best thing that can happen is you accept this change?
  2. What's the worst thing that can happen if you do accept this change?
  3. What's the best thing that can happen if you do not accept this change?"
  4. What's the worst thing that can happen if you do not accept this change?"

Did you find this 3-part series helpful? However, I cannot teach you how to thrive under stress and pressure in 30 minutes. It takes practice. I share more of my tools and strategies in my main course: The Resilience Rockstar Bundle - How to Thrive Under Stress and Pressure using my 3R Formula.

It's only three weeks long and each week, you receive a module. It's self-paced and it takes about 60 to 90 minutes to complete each module. Can you spare an hour a week for 3 weeks?

Course Modules

In the courses inside The Resilient Rockstar Bundle, you're going to discover the 3 R's a person needs in order to not only bounce back even stronger when life gets tough...but to THRIVE as well!

Each of the 3 R's contains quick and highly effective strategies that you can master yourself to become a more resilient person. You'll learn how to not only tap into your own 'Resilient Reflex', you'll also learn how to make it super strong so you can flex it easily during trying and challenging times!

Let's take a closer look at these important 3 R's that you'll discover inside The Resilient Rockstar Bundle...


Inside this section, you'll learn about how to use the power of release to change the way you react and interact with the challenges that come your way.

You'll also learn...

  • How to become a master of your emotions. This way you can be in 100% control of any situation and move forward without being 'stuck' n it. This means less anxiety, stress and suffering for you!
  • How to learn how to change your words. This way you can change not only how you feel in a more positive and uplifting way, but it'll also change your life!
  • How to create your own Circle of Resilience. This way you can demand any emotional state on command, wherever and whenever challenging circumstance may arise in your own life!


Inside this section, you'll discover the power of personal reprogramming. You learn the power to change your own thought and belief patterns to recreate a much more fulfilling and successful life for yourself.

You'll also learn...

  • How to gain deep insights and timeless wisdom from past mistakes. This way you not only change your own behavior, but you can also stop repeating the same mistakes over and over again.
  • How to access your own 'Mental Mentors' at will. You can do this anytime you feel stuck or panicked. When you tap into the wisdom of your own mental mentors, you'll be able to confidently move forward beyond any challenge.
  • How to achieve your future goals successfully. When you're able to know what you really want out of life, and you know what steps to take, following your dreams and making them a reality will become much easier.
  • How to create a 'Success Roadmap' that works. As with any journey, there are bound to be obstacles that will get in your way. This is true with life as well. You'll learn how to build a success roadmap you can use to navigate these obstacles, and help you stay on the right course to ultimate success.


Inside this section, you'll learn how to master the fine art of resolve and resolution. This means finally being able to put an end to things that are pulling you down, both mentally and physically in your own life.

You'll also learn...

  • The 7 effective phases of dealing with change. When you learn this process, it'll become super easy to deal with change in an effortless way vs. in a way that's a constant uphill battle or struggle.
  • How to resolve relationships and end conflict for good. Tired of unhealthy or anxiety-ridden relationships or conflicts in your life? You'll learn how to end them for good so you can finally free yourself once and for all.
  • The 2 powerful strategies for resolving anxiety (the quick and easy way)! When you can master these 2 strategies, you'll not only watch as anxiety melts away in your life, but you'll also finally feel like your back in full control!
  • How to recognize your inner critical voice. This is the voice in the back of your mind that seems to be dominating your life, and leading you down the wrong paths. Once you recognize it, you can finally silence it so it's powerless over you and your choices.

Shanti Wellness Centre Inc.

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Zaheen Nanji is a Resilience Champion and trains people and organizations on how to build their resilience muscle so it becomes a first reflex in times of change and challenge.

You were very easy to deal with. Pleasant manner, tone of voice and easy to speak to.  You kind of have the voice and demeanor that make people "want" to talk with you. Once people know your story, they want to talk to you more, perhaps to grab a bit of your strength and positive attitude in their own lives.  I find you to have a caring way about you. Concerned for others and how you can help them be better at being them.

Leanne Carpenter

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - Town of Stony Plain

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You were very easy to deal with. Pleasant manner, tone of voice and easy to speak to.  You kind of have the voice and demeanor that make people "want" to talk with you. Once people know your story, they want to talk to you more, perhaps to grab a bit of your strength and positive attitude in their own lives.  I find you to have a caring way about you. Concerned for others and how you can help them be better at being them.

Leanne Carpenter

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - Town of Stony Plain

Shanti Wellness Centre Inc.

Phone: 780-352-0945

Direct/Text/WhatsApp: 780-918-9225


Skype: zaheennanji

Facebook Messenger:

Zaheen Nanji is a Resilience Champion and trains people and organizations on how to build their resilience muscle so it becomes a first reflex in times of change and challenge.

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