4 Time-Tested Tips Before You Decide To Quit or Walk-Away From Your Goals

It’s inevitable…at some point in the pursuit of your passions, goals and dreams, you’re going to get tired, frustrated and completely overwhelmed. And in some cases, you’ll want to give up. Lord knows how many times I’ve felt like giving up when I’m frustrated!

Whether it’s a project you’re working, your business or even your weight loss goals, most people tend to give up after a setback. So what makes the few stick?

This is your moment of truth. Will you do as so many others do, and quit before you reach the finish line? Or…will you see it through to the end?

The desire to quit is perfectly natural. History is filled with tales of people in exactly this predicament. After all, humans have only so much energy available at any given moment. However, history also shows that pushing past our perceived limitations is the only way to discover how powerful we truly are.

If you are near your breaking point and ready to walk away, here are 4 time-tested tips, that I’ve learned from successful individuals, to help you regain some personal energy and see clearly once again.

1.     Rest

Resting is a lost art in our current culture of go-go-go. The constant demands we place on ourselves can fry our internal operating systems. Naps, baths, massages, meditation, or staycations are all easy ways to gain new strength and fresh ideas.  Since I have a home office, I tend to sneak in there on the weekend, but I know if I’m away for the weekends visiting family, I feel more rested and refreshed because I’m not home cooking or working, but I’m socializing and that too is mental therapy.

Whether you work in an office or from home, taking a mental health day from work can re-energize and you’ll get ideas that you’d never thought of before.

2.     Talk to Someone You Trust

Each time I’ve felt like quitting, I’ve turned to my partner, a close family member, a co-worker or a mentor. There’s something about talking it out that not only helps you as you listen to yourself, but it generates ideas as you converse with the person you trust. You may even get motivated again after you hear a word or sentence.

Who is that person that you can turn to?

 3.     Zoom Out…

When you are focused intently on achieving a specific goal, it’s easy to forget why you’re doing so. This usually happens when you have to prove the numbers or show evidence, and it can be discouraging. Zoom out to remember your values, mission, and how your current actions connect to the bigger picture. What is your end game? Quit looking at the bark, and behold the beauty of the forest.

4.     Then Zoom Back In

Looking at the big picture too long can also have its downside.  It can feel too big, and create confusion around where to start and what to do, and this can lead to overwhelm.  So once you are clear on your “why,” zoom back in to focus on ONE simple thing you can do to move in the direction of your goals. Dive in, get it done, then rest for a moment before doing it again.

Everyone faces frustration, overwhelm and exhaustion. How you handle yours determines the accomplishments you will make in life, and the tales you get to tell tomorrow.

How Will You Press On Today?

Shanti Wellness Centre Inc.

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Zaheen Nanji is a Resilience Champion and trains people and organizations on how to build their resilience muscle so it becomes a first reflex in times of change and challenge.

You were very easy to deal with. Pleasant manner, tone of voice and easy to speak to.  You kind of have the voice and demeanor that make people "want" to talk with you. Once people know your story, they want to talk to you more, perhaps to grab a bit of your strength and positive attitude in their own lives.  I find you to have a caring way about you. Concerned for others and how you can help them be better at being them.

Leanne Carpenter

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - Town of Stony Plain

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You were very easy to deal with. Pleasant manner, tone of voice and easy to speak to.  You kind of have the voice and demeanor that make people "want" to talk with you. Once people know your story, they want to talk to you more, perhaps to grab a bit of your strength and positive attitude in their own lives.  I find you to have a caring way about you. Concerned for others and how you can help them be better at being them.

Leanne Carpenter

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - Town of Stony Plain

Shanti Wellness Centre Inc.

Phone: 780-352-0945

Direct/Text/WhatsApp: 780-918-9225

Email: office@zaheennanji.com  

Skype: zaheennanji

Facebook Messenger: https://m.me/zaheenresilience

Zaheen Nanji is a Resilience Champion and trains people and organizations on how to build their resilience muscle so it becomes a first reflex in times of change and challenge.

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